Forest Meditation
Forest Meditation
Seagull, 2012
Seagull, 2012
Screen Shot 2016-09-20 at 11.14.08 PM.png
backyard sunset-1.jpg
Head Shot
Head Shot
photo prints-3.jpg
Photography 2013-3.jpg
Head Shot
Head Shot
photo prints-2.jpg
photo prints-4.jpg
nicole backlight 3-4-1.jpg
Sports photography
Sports photography
girls group shots-1.jpg
daniel graduation outfit-1.jpg
Photo unit 4, assignment 2-2.jpg
photo prints-1.jpg
Photography 2013-6.jpg
nicole graduation outfit-1.jpg
Hockey Cards For Sandstorms Hockey
Hockey Cards For Sandstorms Hockey
Photo unit 4, assignment 1-3.jpg
daniel graduation outfit-4.jpg
Screen Shot 2016-09-20 at 11.17.14 PM.png
Jason corporate images 2-1.jpg
xmas 2015-15.jpg
daniel graduation outfit-5.jpg
xmas 2015-36.jpg
Photography 2014-2.jpg
daniels poster pics8-1.jpg
nicole graduation outfit-2.jpg
daniel graduation outfit-2.jpg
girls group shots-5.jpg
Sleeping in the Forest
Sleeping in the Forest
nicole graduation outfit-4.jpg
Flying High, 2014
Flying High, 2014
Fenced, 2012
Fenced, 2012
Head shot, Corporate shot
Head shot, Corporate shot
Photography 2013-14.jpg
Screen Shot 2016-09-20 at 11.36.50 PM.png
Statue of Liberty, 2012
Statue of Liberty, 2012
nicole graduation outfit-3.jpg
Waste, 2012
Waste, 2012
Victoria whales-90-2.jpg
Screen Shot 2016-09-20 at 11.17.42 PM.png
Niagara Falls 2, 2012
Niagara Falls 2, 2012
Gum Wall 2, 2012
Gum Wall 2, 2012
Senior Grad Photos
Senior Grad Photos
Brooklyn Bridge 1, 2012
Brooklyn Bridge 1, 2012
Senior Grad Photos 2
Senior Grad Photos 2
Photography 2014-21.jpg
Screen Shot 2016-09-20 at 11.15.54 PM.png
Photography 2013-12.jpg
Screen Shot 2016-09-20 at 11.16.09 PM.png
Screen Shot 2016-09-20 at 11.16.23 PM.png
Niagara Falls 3, 2012
Niagara Falls 3, 2012
Photography 2013-8.jpg
I see you, 2014
I see you, 2014
Photography 2013-7.jpg
photo prints-10.jpg
Photography 2013-17.jpg
Looking Up, 2013
Looking Up, 2013
Backyard Sunrise - 1, 2014
Backyard Sunrise - 1, 2014
Photography 2013-2.jpg
Lacawanna, 2012
Lacawanna, 2012
Photography 2013-1.jpg
Photography 2013-5.jpg
Photography 2013-16.jpg
Niagara Falls 5, 2012
Niagara Falls 5, 2012
landscape photo option 1-1.jpg
landscape photo option 2-1.jpg
Photography 2014-3.jpg
Rocky coast, 2012
Rocky coast, 2012
Hockey Cards For Sandstorms Hockey 2
Hockey Cards For Sandstorms Hockey 2
Picnic, 2012
Picnic, 2012
Niagara Falls 6, 2012
Niagara Falls 6, 2012
Swimming Wawa, 2012
Swimming Wawa, 2012
This is Life, 2014
This is Life, 2014
Temple, 2013
Temple, 2013
Pyramid of Inscriptions, 2013
Pyramid of Inscriptions, 2013
The Palace of Palenque, 2013
The Palace of Palenque, 2013
Waterfall, 2013
Waterfall, 2013
St. Barbe, NFLD coast, 2012
St. Barbe, NFLD coast, 2012
Manhattan Bridge, 1, 2012
Manhattan Bridge, 1, 2012
Brooklyn Bridge 2, 2012
Brooklyn Bridge 2, 2012
Dinner, 2012
Dinner, 2012
Gum Wall 1, 2012
Gum Wall 1, 2012
Manhattan Bridge 2 , 2012
Manhattan Bridge 2 , 2012
Niagara Falls 1, 2012
Niagara Falls 1, 2012
News, 2012
News, 2012
Niagara Falls 4, 2012
Niagara Falls 4, 2012
Bikes, 2012
Bikes, 2012
Seattle Marketplace 2, 2012
Seattle Marketplace 2, 2012
Building, 2012
Building, 2012
Don't Honk, 2012
Don't Honk, 2012
Seattle Marketplace 1, 2012
Seattle Marketplace 1, 2012
Traffic, 2012
Traffic, 2012
Empire state building, 2012
Empire state building, 2012
Under the Trees, 2012
Under the Trees, 2012
Fallen Leaf, 2012
Fallen Leaf, 2012
Cave Path
Cave Path
Orange Flower, 2012
Orange Flower, 2012
Pink Rose
Pink Rose
Framed Marigolds, 2014
Framed Marigolds, 2014
Mushrooms, 2014
Mushrooms, 2014
Odd one out, 2012
Odd one out, 2012
Forest Meditation
Forest Meditation
Seagull, 2012
Seagull, 2012Taken in Wawa, ON
Screen Shot 2016-09-20 at 11.14.08 PM.png
backyard sunset-1.jpg
Head Shot
Head Shot
photo prints-3.jpg
Photography 2013-3.jpg
Head Shot
Head ShotHeats shots for auditions
photo prints-2.jpg
photo prints-4.jpg
nicole backlight 3-4-1.jpg
Sports photography
Sports photography
girls group shots-1.jpg
daniel graduation outfit-1.jpg
Photo unit 4, assignment 2-2.jpg
photo prints-1.jpg
Photography 2013-6.jpg
nicole graduation outfit-1.jpg
Hockey Cards For Sandstorms Hockey
Hockey Cards For Sandstorms Hockey
Photo unit 4, assignment 1-3.jpg
daniel graduation outfit-4.jpg
Screen Shot 2016-09-20 at 11.17.14 PM.png
Jason corporate images 2-1.jpg
xmas 2015-15.jpg
daniel graduation outfit-5.jpg
xmas 2015-36.jpg
Photography 2014-2.jpg
daniels poster pics8-1.jpg
nicole graduation outfit-2.jpg
daniel graduation outfit-2.jpg
girls group shots-5.jpg
Sleeping in the Forest
Sleeping in the Forest
nicole graduation outfit-4.jpg
Flying High, 2014
Flying High, 2014Cancun
Fenced, 2012
Fenced, 2012Taken in Newfoundland, L' Anse aux Meadows
Head shot, Corporate shot
Head shot, Corporate shot
Photography 2013-14.jpg
Screen Shot 2016-09-20 at 11.36.50 PM.png
Statue of Liberty, 2012
Statue of Liberty, 2012Taken in New York, NY
nicole graduation outfit-3.jpg
Waste, 2012
Waste, 2012Taken in Seattle
Victoria whales-90-2.jpg
Screen Shot 2016-09-20 at 11.17.42 PM.png
Niagara Falls 2, 2012
Niagara Falls 2, 2012
Gum Wall 2, 2012
Gum Wall 2, 2012Taken in Seattle
Senior Grad Photos
Senior Grad Photos
Brooklyn Bridge 1, 2012
Brooklyn Bridge 1, 2012Taken in New York, NY
Senior Grad Photos 2
Senior Grad Photos 2
Photography 2014-21.jpg
Screen Shot 2016-09-20 at 11.15.54 PM.png
Photography 2013-12.jpg
Screen Shot 2016-09-20 at 11.16.09 PM.png
Screen Shot 2016-09-20 at 11.16.23 PM.png
Niagara Falls 3, 2012
Niagara Falls 3, 2012
Photography 2013-8.jpg
I see you, 2014
I see you, 2014Racoon taken in Parque Museo La Venta, Villahermosa, Mexico
Photography 2013-7.jpg
photo prints-10.jpg
Photography 2013-17.jpg
Looking Up, 2013
Looking Up, 2013San Francisco, CA
Backyard Sunrise - 1, 2014
Backyard Sunrise - 1, 2014Taken June 2014, Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico
Photography 2013-2.jpg
Lacawanna, 2012
Lacawanna, 2012Taken in New York, NY
Photography 2013-1.jpg
Photography 2013-5.jpg
Photography 2013-16.jpg
Niagara Falls 5, 2012
Niagara Falls 5, 2012
landscape photo option 1-1.jpg
landscape photo option 2-1.jpg
Photography 2014-3.jpg
Rocky coast, 2012
Rocky coast, 2012Taken in St. Anthony, NFLD
Hockey Cards For Sandstorms Hockey 2
Hockey Cards For Sandstorms Hockey 2
Picnic, 2012
Picnic, 2012Taken in St. Amthony NFLD
Niagara Falls 6, 2012
Niagara Falls 6, 2012
Swimming Wawa, 2012
Swimming Wawa, 2012
This is Life, 2014
This is Life, 2014Beach in Cancun Mexico
Temple, 2013
Temple, 2013Palenque, Mexico
Pyramid of Inscriptions, 2013
Pyramid of Inscriptions, 2013Palenque, Mexico
The Palace of Palenque, 2013
The Palace of Palenque, 2013Mexico
Waterfall, 2013
Waterfall, 2013Palenque, Mexico
St. Barbe, NFLD coast, 2012
St. Barbe, NFLD coast, 2012
Manhattan Bridge, 1, 2012
Manhattan Bridge, 1, 2012Taken in New York, NY
Brooklyn Bridge 2, 2012
Brooklyn Bridge 2, 2012Taken in New York, NY
Dinner, 2012
Dinner, 2012Seattle, WA
Gum Wall 1, 2012
Gum Wall 1, 2012Taken in Seattle
Manhattan Bridge 2 , 2012
Manhattan Bridge 2 , 2012Taken in New York, NY
Niagara Falls 1, 2012
Niagara Falls 1, 2012
News, 2012
News, 2012Taken in New York, NY
Niagara Falls 4, 2012
Niagara Falls 4, 2012Horseshoe Bay
Bikes, 2012
Bikes, 2012Taken in Seattle
Seattle Marketplace 2, 2012
Seattle Marketplace 2, 2012
Building, 2012
Building, 2012Taken in New York, NY
Don't Honk, 2012
Don't Honk, 2012Taken in New York, NY
Seattle Marketplace 1, 2012
Seattle Marketplace 1, 2012
Traffic, 2012
Traffic, 2012Taken in New York, NY
Empire state building, 2012
Empire state building, 2012Taken in New York, NY
Under the Trees, 2012
Under the Trees, 2012Taken in Seattle
Fallen Leaf, 2012
Fallen Leaf, 2012Taken in Seattle
Cave Path
Cave PathCoconá Caves in Teapa
Orange Flower, 2012
Orange Flower, 2012Taken in Seattle
Pink Rose
Pink Rose2015
Framed Marigolds, 2014
Framed Marigolds, 2014
Mushrooms, 2014
Mushrooms, 2014
Odd one out, 2012
Odd one out, 2012Taken in St. Barbe NFLD
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